How to prevent lightning damage to your plant, your system,...?
Why is a total solution to lightning & earthing protection important?
For 30 years of experience we have successful assisted companies across multiple industries and around the world in reduce risk, saving money and increasing reliability of lightning protection system.
General solution for Lightning protection and Grounding/Earthing
a. Lightning protection
Lightning protection services offered by us include:
- Site survey
- Calculation, design
- Risk assessment
- Material supply, including surge protection devices
- Installation
- Maintenance
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Air termination system for a tank using air termination conductor
Biogas holder with lightning protection rods
Early streamer emission (ESE) system at industrial plant
Dissipation Array System (DAS)
Lightning and surge protection for a pipeline station
b. Grounding/ Earthing
Grounding/Earthing services offered by us include:
- Site survey
- Calculation, design
- Risk assessment
- Material supply
- Installation
- Earth resistance testing
- Maintenance
Contact us for details!
Meshed earth termination system of a plant
Star point grounding system
An effective grounding system
c. Analysis examples
Protection Angle Analysis
Rolling sphere analysis
The Electro Geometric model analysis
Contact us for details!